16 Mar Benefits Your Elderly Loved One Will Have if They Quit Smoking

Does your elderly loved one smoke cigarettes? If so, it is likely that you both already know the dangers of doing so. The problem is that it can be quite difficult for most people to quit smoking. However, one of the tips that have helped many people quit smoking is knowing more about the benefits of doing so. If you and your loved one’s elder care providers talk to them about these benefits, you might be able to help them quit.
Better Breathing
Did you know that within only 30 minutes of going without a cigarette, blood pressure and heart rate go down? In only 48 hours of quitting smoking, the lungs start clearing out. After quitting smoking for 4 days, the person who was smoking is able to breathe easier. They also find they have more energy, as well. Those who were heavy smokers often find they have more progressive results.
Fewer Sick Days
Research shows that those who smoke cigarettes will become sick more often than those who don’t smoke. They might develop bronchitis, pneumonia, the flu, or a cold. If your elderly loved one quits smoking, they won’t get sick quite as much.
Lower Risk of Cancer
The sooner someone quits smoking, the lower their risk of getting cancer will be. While most people only think that smokers will get lung cancer, there are other kinds of cancer that a smoker has a higher risk of getting, too. Some of these cancers include throat, esophagus, and colon cancer. If you want to reduce your loved one’s chances of getting cancer, help them to quit smoking starting today.
Reduced Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
Smoking is the one of the main causes of strokes and heart attacks, as well. If your elderly loved one quits smoking, their risk of developing these health issues will decline immediately. The longer they go without smoking, the more their risk will of having a stroke or heart attack will go down.
Saving Money
It is clear that cigarettes cost money. Your elderly loved one might be spending a lot of money on cigarettes, depending on how much they smoke. They could be saving that money to go on a trip or using that money to do things they would enjoy.
These are some of the many benefits that your elderly loved one will have if they quit smoking. Talk to your loved one today and see if they are willing to quit smoking. Let them know that you and their elder care providers will be around to support them in this process.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elder Care in Fairwood, WA please contact the caring staff at Care To Stay Home – Spokane today at (509) 340-1359.