08 Oct HIPAA & Company Policy Reminder
HIPAA Reminder:
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge. It is not legal to share information about your client’s condition unless we have written consent from the client, client’s Power of Attorney, or written consent on file. All medical records and other individually identifiable health information used or disclosed by a covered entity in any form, whether electronically, on paper, or orally, are covered by the final rule. Unfortunately, you are not always fully aware of the situation between family members or their history. Please always direct individuals to contact the office and speak to us if they have any questions about your client’s personal information. This will save you an uncomfortable conversation and we make sure we are protecting their HIPAA rights.
Policies Reminder: Dress and Grooming
Every encounter with our clients and the public personifies CTSH. We are to look our best and establish a sense of professionalism.
• What to wear? Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words. Your appearance communicates who you are and gives you the opportunity to impress your client as someone who is organized, dependable and capable. Make your dress code express this.
• Best Dressed List for a Caregiver Includes:
• Scrubs: shows you are neat, clean and ready to work. Feel free to wear a cute pattern beyond solid blue or green to express your personality. (no cartoons, or logos from other companies please)
• Flexible, Quick Drying Pants and a CTSH logo shirt or a well fitted Knit Shirt (polo shirt): Shows that you understand clothing which allows easy movement is necessary for caregiving. Just be sure the shirt and pants are neatly pressed and fit well.
• Closed Toe Shoes that are comfortable: Shoes must always be worn
• What Not to Wear:
• Jeans T-shirt
• Tight-fitting clothing Low-cut shirt
• Mid-rise shirt showing your belly Shorts
• Uniform from your last job Strong Perfume
• Flip Flops or open toed sandals Loud Jewelry
• Large earrings, necklaces and bracelets should be left at home.
· Remember, your client expects you to be a professional. You want them to be thinking about the caregiving skills and caring personality you will bring to the job.
· Be sure you are freshly showered and are not wearing perfume that will greet them before you do. Limit perfume and cologne, as everyone has different tastes and allergies in this area. Just keep it simple.
· Hair should be washed and neatly brushed. Hair color should be a neutral color, no fluorescent or unnatural hair color should be worn.
· Smoking, including use of e-cigarettes, is always prohibited in all areas of our facilities, including private homes and any other facilities in which employees perform services for the company.
· Tattoos: if you have tattoos that can be covered, do so. If a tattoo uses foul language or shows something sexual, it is important to realize that this might be offensive to some people and may not be viewed as professional if you are unable to conceal them in a work environment.
· That is it. Just put your best foot forward, walk in ready for the day, with a great outfit and nicely styled hair. Your client will love you!