13 Jul Good Infection Control

The Covid-19 Pandemic has turned some people into self-proclaimed experts in epidemiology and infection control, some have learned new principles and others have lost all common sense. For many in the world, this Coronavirus has caused fear and frustration, for others they have taken advantage of the weak. Unfortunately, this fear state, has caused many of our elderly avoid necessary healthcare and be shut-in their homes with nowhere to turn. I am hopeful we can all learn good infection control principles to help stop the spread disease, regardless of the virus.
In-spite of all the media hype about COVID-19, this new disease should be handled the same way all diseases are handled: with the common sense of disease control. Here are a few basic principles to think about in your daily life:
- Don’t share your straw with a stranger. Now, that sounds gross, but we share our germs and our viruses with people we know and don’t know all the time. I was picking up something at the pharmacy this week, and the technician at the pharmacy was wearing a mask… on her chin. She preceded to handle her nose, face, and then, my merchandise. I did a lot of sanitizing in the car. I didn’t want to share a straw with this stranger.
- Don’t pick your nose in public. If you are going to touch your face, wash your hands. One of the most common ways of transmission of a virus is face-to-face contact. It comes from us touching something that is contaminated, then touching our face, mouth, nose, eyes, etc.
- Wash your hands frequently. When you feel you have touched something that may not be clean, wash your hands. Spend at least 20 seconds with hand sanitizer or soap and water.
- Don’t burst you’re bubble! Everyone has a personal bubble, or personal space. Don’t invade it unless invited. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) suggests 6 feet, or greater, for COVID-19 for non-household members, when not wearing a mask. But, lets face it, most people don’t want strangers in their bubble.
- Self-Isolate. If you are sick. Stay home. Period.
During the COVID-19 Pandemic we may have additional restrictions and precautionary measures, such as masking, reducing personal networks, testing, and being cautious around the elderly and medically compromised. These principles should not cause us fear or mistrust or doubt in our ability to continue the human experience. We were born into a diseased world to experience it, to live it, to accept it. Our bodies were created to overcome illness and disease and to fight off foreign predators. Let us not live in fear, but in faith, that the One that created those bodies will watch over them and allow us to experience life to its fullest.
The safest place for our Seniors is at home. If you Care To Stay Home, Call Care To Care to Stay Home for a FREE Consultation.