08 Sep Fall Prevention Awareness Week
“The coronavirus pandemic has changed a lot of things. One thing that’s still the same? Falling is NOT a normal part of aging. There are steps you can take to reduce your risk.” – NCOA
Did you know that falls occur in more than 1 in 4 people 65+ every year, and 1 in 5 of those falls cause a serious injury? Most falls can be caused by a combination of factors such as Vitamin D deficiency, lower body weakness and more. For a complete list of risk factors please click the second link below (sources). The more risk factors a person has, the greater their chance of falling. – CDC
Don’t let the fear of falling or refalling hinder you from living your best life. At Care to Stay Home we have a Fall Prevention program that has a less than 1% readmission rate in the first 30 days compared to the nations average of 27.4%.
Help us spread awareness of the dangers of falling. Fall Prevention Awareness week is September, 21-25. Visit the National Council of Aging Website to learn more about Fall Prevention Awareness week and what you can do to help spread awareness.
National Council of Aging Website: https://www.ncoa.org/healthy-aging/falls-prevention/