17 Sep Care to Stay Home was at Revel of Spokane for Beer, Brats, and Bowling

In a year that has shown us sadness, frustration, and disconnection. A friendly game of bowling with friends really is the best medicine. That was true for the participants of the Beer, Brats, and Bowling at Revel of Spokane.
It was Care To Stay Home’s privilege to be a part of an event that was as much competition as it was fun for everyone that showed up. The learning curve was steep for the bowlers and after a few technical hiccups, they were all able to bowl like the pros. Well, Wii bowling anyway.
It was so great to see the support and camaraderie all participants were having for each other. Cheering and clapping echoed throughout the main floor of the facility. With all the commotion a number of people poked their heads in to see what was going on. Even in these trying times, it was great to see everyone having fun. The competition started with some regular bowling and moved into the ever-entertaining 100 pin bowling.

We wanted to say a huge thank you to Revel of Spokane for hosting this event for us. A huge thank you to Anna Havercroft for setting up the bowling event, getting through the technical difficulties, and getting the word out to your residents.
See you all at events in the future!