23 Feb Care Manager Vs Scheduling Coordinator: Who do you call?
We, at Care To Stay Home, pride ourselves on our ability to work successfully as a team. As many of you know, we assist one another in the office when someone gets pulled away for various reasons. However, our protocols dictate who should be contacted first depending on the reason. So, how do you know who to call first?
Q: I cannot make it into my shift?
A: Scheduling Coordinator, if she doesn’t answer then leave a message and call back in 15 minutes. NOTE: You MUST speak directly to someone in the office if you are unable to reach the Scheduling Coordinator.
Q: I’m running late for my shift?
A: Scheduling Coordinator, if she doesn’t answer, leave a message and call back in 15 minutes. NOTE: You MUST speak directly to someone in the office if you are unable to reach the Scheduling Coordinator.
Q: I am concerned about the safety and quality of care for my client?
A: Care Manager, if she doesn’t answer, leave a message.
Q: I don’t think that my personality matches well with my client, who do I call?
A: Scheduling Coordinator, if she doesn’t answer, leave a message.
Q: My availability has changed, who do I call?
A: Scheduling Coordinator, this requires a two week notice to change if you have a current client.
Q: If the client’s physical or medical condition worsens or improves?
A: Care Manager, if she doesn’t answer, leave a message.
Q: What if my client’s medication is changed by their doctor?
A: Care Manager, if she doesn’t answer, leave a message.
Q: Who do I call if my client runs out of medical supplies such as gloves or briefs?
A: Care Manager, if she doesn’t answer, leave a message.
Q: My client needs emergency medical attention?
A: Dial 911 and then the Care Manager, if she doesn’t answer then call the Scheduling Coordinator.