10 Aug Information to Help Your Elderly Loved One Benefit from Stretching

Did you know that stretching is one of the easiest things that your elderly loved one can do that provides amazing benefits? Whether your elderly loved one needs to improve their mental health, reduce their back pain, get better sleep, or gain other benefits, stretching can help a lot more than you might think.
Preventing Injuries
If your elderly loved one stretches every day, this could help them to prevent injuries that might occur if they fall. Some of the injuries they might be able to prevent include strains, sprains, fractures, and broken bones. By stretching, your elderly loved one is loosening up and flexing their muscles. By doing so, their muscles will be more prepared if they were to fall, twist their ankle, or do something else that could cause an injury.
Helping with Exercises
It is important that your elderly loved one doesn’t exercise if they haven’t stretched beforehand. As just mentioned, your elderly loved one needs to make sure their muscles are flexible and loose. If this isn’t done, when they are exercising they could pull a muscle or injure themselves in another way. Not only this, but stretching can help to improve the benefits that your loved one gets from exercising. You and your loved one’s elder care providers should encourage them to stretch before and after they exercise.
Improving Blood Circulation
Stretching can also help your elderly loved one to improve their blood circulation. This is essential to improve their blood flow. When your elderly loved one gets older, they need to make sure their muscles are in the best shape possible. By doing so, they will be more flexible and be able to continue moving around more, as well. Stretching is going to help your loved one keep their muscles healthy and flexible as they age.
Better Posture
Stretching is also going to help your elderly loved one to have better posture. With great posture, your loved one can have less pain, be more flexible, reduce the tightness in their body, have fewer headaches, and gain many other benefits, too.
This is some of the information that is needed regarding stretching and the elderly. It is important to make sure your elderly loved one knows that stretching can help them in numerous ways. When you share this information with them, encourage your loved one to stretch every day, even when they are not exercising.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering elder care in Spokane, WA please contact the caring staff at Care To Stay Home – Spokane today at (509) 340-1359.