11 Aug August is National Immunization Awareness Month

Vaccines have been coming up in all sources of media lately. There is no better time to talk about vaccinations than August, which is National Immunization Month.
We all know that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected so many aspects of our life. For seniors, the ability to attend important appointments and receive routine vaccinations becomes a struggle. Care to Stay Home along with the Center for Disease Control(CDC) encourages everyone, especially seniors to talk to their doctor, nurse, or health care professional to stay informed.
There is an ocean of information available for you. This is not limited to the COVID-19 vaccine but also other vaccines you can consider for you and your loved ones.
Click the Links for more information:
Care to Stay Home wants our clients, caregivers, and our community safe. We encourage those who can get vaccinated to do so. We all just want to get back to normal and enjoy the freedom that we all deserve.
Source: CDC National Immunization Awareness Month