American Heart Month

American Heart Month

In an effort to raise awareness about the importance of heart health, February is known as American Heart Month. American Heart Month is an opportunity to raise awareness about the dangers of heart disease, the #1 killer of Americans.

One of the biggest initiatives that the American Heart Association is raising awareness to this year is their “Heart to Heart: Why Losing One Woman is Too Many” campaign which raises awareness about how 1 in 3 women are diagnosed with heart disease annually. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has also contributed to people delaying visits to the hospital which has led the American Heart Association to create their national “Don’t Die of Doubt” campaign which encourages and reminds people that hospitals are the safest place to go when experiencing heart attack or stroke symptoms.

According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is still the greatest threat to Americans as it is the leading cause of death worldwide. American Heart Month is an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of heart health. The American Heart Association states that heart disease can be preventable by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, by not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, controlling blood sugar and cholesterol, treating high blood pressure, getting at least 150 minutes of weekly, moderately-intense physical activity, and by having regular checkups with your primary care provider.

To learn more about American Heart Month