27 Feb 4 Great Senior Centers in Spokane
Spokane has many senior centers that offer classes, trips, and other leisure activities for city senior citizens. Take a look at what some of the centers have to offer.
Southside Senior & Community Center
Located on E. 27th Avenue, the Southside Senior & Community Center offers a variety of weekly activities that are bound to spark your interest. Available classes include aerobics, games such as Texas Hold’em and mahjongg, ballroom dance lessons, and therapeutic cooking. While you are having fun, you can also get your blood pressure checked on Tuesday mornings.
Southside also offers classes for nominal fees. Recent classes include a series on how to play a stringed instrument ($30 for members or $6/lesson for non-members) and a series on Brazilian embroidery for beginners for $75.
The Sinto Senior Activity Center is located on Sinto Avenue in Spokane. If you like traveling, you may like the center’s Great Escapes Travel Program. You will travel via either a 24-passenger motor coach or a 14-passenger luxury van to destinations such as the Marcus Ciderfest, Turkey Bingo in Davenport, and a jet boat trip on the Columbia River in Richland. If you prefer a more relaxed activity, check out the Sinto Café. It is open daily, with all you can drink coffee for only 50 cents a day. Breakfast is $6, and $3 lunches are served 3-4 days per week.
The Spokane Valley Senior Center serves residents age 50 and up. You can visit the center Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM-4:00 PM. Membership is $20 per year if you are interested. The center offers classes like ceramics, fine art classes in watercolor, and knitting. You can also participate in their book club, games like billiards and Scrabble, or fitness classes. The center also provides AARP driving courses and wellness checks.
You can take unique classes at the Corbin Senior Activity Center. A class offered in August 2018 was Backyard Berries and Fruits, which covered how to grow, maintain, and harvest your own berries. An upcoming class for January through March 2019 is Balance with Feldenkrais. The class is designed to utilize your existing patterns of movement to improve your balance, standing posture, and sitting.
Corbin also offers ongoing classes you can partake in. Cribbage, which is a multi-player card game, is held on Monday afternoons and costs 50 cents. Another regularly offered activity is a foot massage offered on the third Thursday of each month. Each session is $15, and you will also learn how to better take care of your feet. The center also features short and long tours for seniors. A recent short tour was a visit to three beautiful churches in the area, including Mount St. Michael’s. The tour cost was $10.00 for members and $15.50 for non-members. An upcoming long tour is a nine-day jaunt to Portugal, with stops in Lisbon, vineyards in Alentejo, and beaches in Algarve. The trip costs approximately $3,500 per person.