May is High Blood Pressure Education Month

May is High Blood Pressure Education Month

Sponsored by the CDC, a US government health organization, National High Blood Pressure Education Month raises awareness about the impact high blood pressure can have on health. Written as two figures, blood pressure is measured as the pressure when the heart has pumped (systolic) and when the heart is in between beats (diastolic). When the heart pumps blood, blood pressure is higher than when it is in between beats. The systolic measurement will be higher than the diastolic measurement.

Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure increases the risk of serious diseases and conditions such as heart disease and stroke. In the US, heart disease is the most common form of death whilst stroke is the third leading cause. Other risk factors of high blood pressure include congestive heart failure & kidney disease. According to the American Heart Association, a normal blood pressure is roughly 120/80 If you have any concerns regarding your blood pressure, you should consult with your Primary Physician.

At Care To Stay Home, we work to improve the quality of life for clients. This includes not only finding ways to prevent clients from developing hypertension but also to help those with hypertension improve their health. Lifestyle changes which can help reduce blood pressure, include maintaining a healthy body weight, regular exercise, quitting smoking and following a healthy low sodium diet rich in fruit and vegetables. It is also recommended that people eat potassium rich foods and limit their sodium intake, which help lower blood pressure.

To learn more about the risks, prevention methods, and medical options available to you or your loved ones, visit or
